Mbps to Mb/s Conversion – Megabits per second to Megabytes per second

Mbps to Mb/s Conversion - Megabits per second to Megabytes per second

1 Mbps is 0.125 MB/s

That is, to convert megabits per second to megabytes per second, you take Mbps and divide by 8.

And to take MB/s back to mbps, you multiply by 8.

How Many Megabytes per second in a Megabit per second?

1 Megabyte per second is equal to 8 × Megabit per second.

1 Megabit/s = 0.125 Megabytes/s.

Mbps : Megabit per second (Mbit/s or Mb/s)
MB/s : Megabyte per second
1 byte = 8 bits
1 bit  = (1/8) bytes
1 bit  = 0.125 bytes
1 megabyte = 10002 bytes
1 megabit  = 10002 bits
1 megabit  = 0.125 megabytes
1 megabit/second = 0.125 megabytes/second
1 Mbps = 0.125 MB/s


Megabits per second (mbps) to MBs Examples

  • USB transmission speed of 800 Mbit/s = 100 MB/s.
  • Modem 8.0 Mbit/s has 1 MB/s download rate and 1.0 Mbit/s = 0.125 MB/s upload rate (1 * 1 / 8)
  • Modem 18.0 Mbit/s has 1.5 MB/s download rate and 1.4 Mbit/s = 0.1167 MB/s upload rate (1.4 * 1.5 / 18)
  • Modem 24.0 Mbit/s has 2.5 MB/s download rate and 4.5 Mbit/s = 0.4688 MB/s upload rate (4.5 * 2.5 / 24)


Mbps to MBs Conversion Table

Below is a handy table to help convert megabits per second (Mbps) into Megabytes per second (Mbs)

Megabit per second Megabyte per second
1 Mbps 0.125 MB/s
2 Mbps 0.25 MB/s
3 Mbps 0.375 MB/s
4 Mbps 0.5 MB/s
5 Mbps 0.625 MB/s
6 Mbps 0.75 MB/s
7 Mbps 0.875 MB/s
8 Mbps 1 MB/s
9 Mbps 1.125 MB/s
10 Mbps 1.25 MB/s
11 Mbps 1.375 MB/s
12 Mbps 1.5 MB/s
13 Mbps 1.625 MB/s
14 Mbps 1.75 MB/s
15 Mbps 1.875 MB/s
16 Mbps 2 MB/s
17 Mbps 2.125 MB/s
18 Mbps 2.25 MB/s
19 Mbps 2.375 MB/s
20 Mbps 2.5 MB/s
21 Mbps 2.625 MB/s
22 Mbps 2.75 MB/s
23 Mbps 2.875 MB/s
24 Mbps 3 MB/s
25 Mbps 3.125 MB/s
26 Mbps 3.25 MB/s
27 Mbps 3.375 MB/s
28 Mbps 3.5 MB/s
29 Mbps 3.625 MB/s
30 Mbps 3.75 MB/s
31 Mbps 3.875 MB/s
32 Mbps 4 MB/s
33 Mbps 4.125 MB/s
34 Mbps 4.25 MB/s
35 Mbps 4.375 MB/s
36 Mbps 4.5 MB/s
37 Mbps 4.625 MB/s
38 Mbps 4.75 MB/s
39 Mbps 4.875 MB/s
40 Mbps 5 MB/s
41 Mbps 5.125 MB/s
42 Mbps 5.25 MB/s
43 Mbps 5.375 MB/s
44 Mbps 5.5 MB/s
45 Mbps 5.625 MB/s
46 Mbps 5.75 MB/s
47 Mbps 5.875 MB/s
48 Mbps 6 MB/s
49 Mbps 6.125 MB/s
50 Mbps 6.25 MB/s
Megabit per second Megabyte per second
51 Mbps 6.375 MB/s
52 Mbps 6.5 MB/s
53 Mbps 6.625 MB/s
54 Mbps 6.75 MB/s
55 Mbps 6.875 MB/s
56 Mbps 7 MB/s
57 Mbps 7.125 MB/s
58 Mbps 7.25 MB/s
59 Mbps 7.375 MB/s
60 Mbps 7.5 MB/s
61 Mbps 7.625 MB/s
62 Mbps 7.75 MB/s
63 Mbps 7.875 MB/s
64 Mbps 8 MB/s
65 Mbps 8.125 MB/s
66 Mbps 8.25 MB/s
67 Mbps 8.375 MB/s
68 Mbps 8.5 MB/s
69 Mbps 8.625 MB/s
70 Mbps 8.75 MB/s
71 Mbps 8.875 MB/s
72 Mbps 9 MB/s
73 Mbps 9.125 MB/s
74 Mbps 9.25 MB/s
75 Mbps 9.375 MB/s
76 Mbps 9.5 MB/s
77 Mbps 9.625 MB/s
78 Mbps 9.75 MB/s
79 Mbps 9.875 MB/s
80 Mbps 10 MB/s
81 Mbps 10.125 MB/s
82 Mbps 10.25 MB/s
83 Mbps 10.375 MB/s
84 Mbps 10.5 MB/s
85 Mbps 10.625 MB/s
86 Mbps 10.75 MB/s
87 Mbps 10.875 MB/s
88 Mbps 11 MB/s
89 Mbps 11.125 MB/s
90 Mbps 11.25 MB/s
91 Mbps 11.375 MB/s
92 Mbps 11.5 MB/s
93 Mbps 11.625 MB/s
94 Mbps 11.75 MB/s
95 Mbps 11.875 MB/s
96 Mbps 12 MB/s
97 Mbps 12.125 MB/s
98 Mbps 12.25 MB/s
99 Mbps 12.375 MB/s
100 Mbps 12.5 MB/s



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