Did you know that there are more than 30 so-called “closing techniques” that marketers use to make sales?
Some you may know intuitively; some of them you may have studied.
Best Techniques & Strategies to Close Sales
Below are our favorites that you can start implementing today:
The Artisan Close
Imagine a plumber comes to your house, spends 10 minutes working, and charges you $200.
Now, imagine a different plumber takes 4 hours to do the same thing.
The latter feels more valuable, even though both plumbers accomplished the same result – this is the Artisan Close.
The more effort people think went into your product, the higher its perceived value will be.
The Assumptive Close
Ever watched a realtor give someone a house tour?
They use phrases like “here’s your living room”, and “your grill can go here, on the deck.”
This is the Assumptive Close, and it relies on a concept called “future pacing.”
Get people to visualize their life as if they’ve already made the purchase, and it’ll be harder to say no when you make the offer.
The Best Time Close
Ever heard the phrase “supplies limited”? Then you’ve experienced the Best Time Close.
It’s helpful to use this close even when you don’t feel it’s particularly necessary.
For example, if you only stock a Christmas item during the winter season, the line “We only sell this product during the month of December” can boost conversions – even if people were only going to shop for it in December anyway.