Table of Contents
Why Choosing a Cool Gaming Name Is Important
The perfect gaming name is the foundation for a great gaming experience. A unique gaming name is a way to stick out from the crowd and will be easy to remember.
If you’ve ever found yourself in a game and keep noticing the same gamer over and over again and they stick out like a sore thumb, part of it might be their gaming ability.
But some of it probably has to do with the fact they have a badass gaming name.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of gaming names to help you come up with the perfect gaming name for your next adventure.
Gamers tend to be a unique bunch. And they tend to be very specific about the type of name they use.
Gaming is a big part of our lives. We spend hours playing games on our consoles, computers, and mobile devices.
It has to be memorable and stand out and can be just as important as the gameplay itself.
And it’s not easy to find cool names for games. How to get a cool gaming name for yourself?
That’s why we’ve compiled a huge list of some of the best gaming names ideas. You’ll find thousands of gaming name ideas.
So, let’s take a look at some of these OG gaming names.
Best Gaming Names
If you’re looking for some of the best gaming names, we’ve got this list of hundreds to choose from.
Take a look and see if there’s a cool game name you like.
Abyss |
Accidental Genius |
Acid Gosling |
Agitator |
Agony |
Agrippa |
Albatross |
Albatross |
Alien |
Amaretto |
Amazon |
Angon |
Animus |
Annihilator |
Anomaly |
Anonymous Names |
Arbitrage |
Aspect |
Automatic |
Automatic Slicer |
Avenger |
Bad Bunny |
Beetle King |
Billy the Butcher |
Bit Sentinel |
Bleed |
Blister |
Blood |
BloodEater |
Boar |
Bomber |
Bowie |
Bowler |
Breadmaker |
Breaker |
Bruise |
Bullet |
Cannon |
Cannon |
Capital F |
CargoKill |
Celtic Charger |
CobraBite |
Congo Wire |
Conqueror |
Cool Iris |
Core Philosophies |
Cosmo |
Courtesy flush |
Craniax |
CrazyBull |
Critical Role |
Cross Thread |
Cupid Dust |
Dark Horse |
Darko |
Darkside Orbit |
Deathstalker |
Delivery Boy |
Desert Haze |
Devil Blade |
Devil Chick |
Dexter |
Digital |
Disco Potato |
Doz Killer |
DriftManiac |
Dug Funnie |
Easy Sweep |
Fabulous |
Falcon |
FastLane |
Fisheye |
Flagship Property |
Footslam |
Furore |
Gash |
Geronimo |
Given Moment |
Grip |
Grizzly |
Gunsly Bruce Lee |
Gut |
Harry Dotter |
Hazzard |
Head-Knocker |
Hellcat |
Homely Sharpshooters |
Hornet |
Investor Relations |
Iron-Cut |
Ironsides |
Jawbone |
Kneecap |
Knuckles |
Lee Trunk |
Leon |
Leonidas |
Lynch |
Manchu Man |
Mighty Mafia |
My Arsenal |
New Ambush |
Psycho |
Pursuit |
Raid Bucker |
Ranger |
Razor |
Red Combat |
Red Rhino |
RedFeet |
RedFisher |
Reed Lady |
Relative Performance |
Roadblock |
Roadkill |
RoarSweetie |
Roller Turtle |
Romance Guppy |
Ronin |
Rooster |
Rubble |
Saint La-Z-Boy |
Sandbox |
Scalp |
Scare Stone |
ScaryPumpkin |
Schizo |
Seal Snake |
Sherwood Gladiator |
Shiver |
Sidewalk Enforcer |
Sienna Princess |
Silver Stone |
Skull Crusher |
Sky Bully |
Slaughter |
Snake |
Sniper |
Steel Foil |
Stream Elements |
Strong Position |
Sythe |
Team Arsenic |
The Armor |
Titanium |
Torpedo |
Trink |
Tusk |
Tweek |
Ultimate Guide |
Unique Identity |
Vulture |
Wardon |
Zero |
Cool Gaming Names
If you need cool gaming names, we’ve got them right here.
Be the chilliest gamer among your friends 🙂
Here are some cool gaming usernames to draw some inspiration from.
Angry Lion King |
Black Cat |
Black Dragon |
Blue Whale |
Dark Horse |
Golden Eagle |
Grey Owl |
Lazy Brown Fox |
Pink dolphin |
Purple Bear |
Silver Hawks |
The Great Shark |
The Green Tiger |
The Orange Frog |
The Red Wolf |
The Wolf Gang |
Yellow Lion |
And a second batch…
8-bit |
Advanced Gaming |
Aero |
Agrippa |
Airport Hobo |
Alex Jones |
Alice |
Arm Wrestler |
Arsenal |
Baby Brown |
Ballistic |
Barbie |
Bearded Angler |
Beta Boy |
Betty Cricket |
Big Dawg |
Bitmap |
Black Mamba |
Blistered Outlaw |
Blonde |
Bone |
Boom Hoops |
Brock |
Bug Blitz |
Bugger |
Call of Duty |
Candy Butcher |
Candy Cane |
Cherry |
Claw |
Crash Override |
Crash Test |
Creep |
Criss Cross |
Cujo |
Cyrus |
Daffy Girl |
Daycare |
Death |
Derange |
Diablo |
Diablo |
Diamond Gamer |
Disco Thunder |
Donkey Kong |
Donkey Kong Jr. |
Doom |
Dragon |
DriftDetector |
Dungeons and Dragons |
Dweezil |
Eimzara |
ElactixNova |
Electric Player |
Electric Saturn |
Elvor |
Evil Genius |
ExoticAlpha |
EyeShooter |
Fallout |
Fast Draw |
Feta |
Final Fantasy |
Finger of Death |
Fire Fish |
Fizz |
Fruit Squeezes |
Fury |
Gargoyle |
Grand Theft |
Guess |
Gundam |
Hannibal |
Hash |
Hermione |
Jaguar |
Jaziz |
Junk |
K-9 |
Khan |
Kingdom Hearts |
Kool Kat |
Kraken |
Lara Croft |
Lash |
Lax |
Lazir |
League of Legends |
Lightning |
Link Man |
Mad Dog |
Mad Max |
Madden NFL |
Magic |
Magic Bean |
Majarine |
Mania |
Mario Brothers |
Mario Kart |
Matrix |
Meta Knight |
Mim |
Minecraft |
Mortar |
Muffin |
Ness |
Nidoking |
Nihnum |
Ninjas in Pajamas |
Ori Super |
Osu |
Overlord |
Peach |
Pinball Tables |
Pondering Too |
Powerdrive |
Prince of Persia |
Professor Oak |
Pusher |
Racy Lion |
Rage |
Raging Ogres |
Raptor |
Rebellion |
Resident Evil |
Rock Band |
Rocky Highway |
Rose |
Rubix |
Rude Sniper |
Sasquatch |
Savage |
Scar |
Scorpion |
Scrapper |
Screw |
Shadow |
Shadow Bishop |
ShowMeUrguts |
Skinner |
Skylanders |
Slasher |
Socket |
Soleus |
Steelshot |
Subversion |
Suleiman |
Sulline |
Super Smash Bros |
Superboy |
Team Fortres II |
Tempest |
Terraria |
Tetris |
The Elder |
The Mick |
Thermajin |
Toad |
Tomb Raider |
Tomcat |
Tommy |
Tooth |
Torque |
Trax |
Umara |
Uncharted |
Uprising |
Uproar |
Ural |
Valgazza |
Valiz |
Vein |
Vendi |
Vez |
Void |
Waluigi |
Wario |
Weim |
Wildcat |
Wolf |
World of Warcraft |
Wraith |
Wrath |
X-Skull |
Zelda |
Unique Gaming Names
Need unique gaming names?
We can’t guarantee these aren’t used anywhere, but they’re definitely a little outside what’s common:
Big Bug |
Big Papa |
Bowser Bee |
Decay Master |
Dragonista |
Graveyard Girl |
How Many Rubles? |
Iron Fist |
Mad Dog Matty |
Run Fast |
Scar Bearer |
Skinner Jones |
Skinny Gamer |
Steel Balls |
Ting Warden |
Trooperster |
Vein Arch |
Funny Gaming Names
Why not show off your clever side and make your gaming name funny?
A great way to portray your funny, creative side is by using a name that’s goofy and unexpected!
You could use anything from food preferences or favorite cartoon characters as long it makes sense.
We’ve compiled a list of funny gaming usernames that’ll definitely get you on people’s radars.
Abnormally Vigorous |
Atilla the Nun |
Bad Soldier |
Bananas and No Chips |
Big Papi |
Bob Apple |
Bob Vaginer |
Boomshaka Laka |
Broomspun |
Bulletproof |
Cactus Jack |
Call of Dowson |
Candy Crusher |
Candy Lander |
Caps Gaming Fiasco |
Carbino |
Centerfuge |
Chicky Fighter |
Clash of Cooks |
Cloudy Perpetrator |
Computing Tips |
Cookie Jar |
Cool Whip |
Crank |
Crayon Crime |
Crazy Eights |
Crazy Factory |
Daemon |
Dahlia Bumble |
Danknado |
Demonic Criminals |
Desperado |
Disagreeable Liquidators |
Dodge the Shoe |
Dracula |
Drugstore Cowboy |
Earl of Arms |
Fanatical Tyranny |
Faulty Devils |
FireByMisFire |
Flack |
Fortnite Couch |
Frenzy |
Funny Gamer Name |
Funny Gaming Name |
Gardening Gophers |
Gnaw |
Goshawk |
Grand Theft Auto |
Grandma’s Nose |
Greek Mythology |
Hashtag |
Horse Herpes |
James Bomb |
Killer |
Kingdom of Memes |
Madness |
Manic |
Mario Kart |
Maximus |
Meme Man |
Militaristic Fighting Machine |
Minecraft |
Minecraft |
Monster Hunter |
Mustache Smack |
My Little Balloon |
Napoleon |
Nesting Hens |
Nintendo |
Not Funny Gaming Name |
Online Gamer |
Outrageous Dominator |
Pacman |
Penn National |
Pinch the Pear |
Plain Privilege |
Pokemon |
Pokemon |
Popular Game |
Positive Attitude |
Psychedelic Servicemen |
Puds |
Ram |
Rapid River |
Reaper |
Reno Monarch |
Rigs |
Rotten Lettuce |
Sabotage |
Sandwich Deliveries |
Satre Chair |
Scab |
Scrapple |
Shadow Chaser |
Sharks of Atlantis |
Shooter |
Siege |
Sir Shove |
Skull Crusher |
Skyrim |
Star Wars |
Steel Forge |
Super Mario |
Superior Succotash |
The Big Troller |
Trip |
Troller Goals |
Upsurge |
Wolverine |
YouTube Gaming Names
We all love playing video games, but creating a YouTube gaming channel name is tough.
You want something that will make people remember you and keep coming back for more! Think PewDiePie 2.0
That’s why we’ve put together this list of some great gaming names to give your new endeavor the best chance at success on social media platforms.
So feel free to make yourself stand out from amongst millions by using one of these awesome YouTube gaming name ideas:
Alley Frog |
Alpha Fighting Games |
Assassin’s Knowledge |
Back Bett |
Battlefield |
Bender |
Blitzkrieg |
Bootleg Taximan |
Browser |
Buckshot |
Bug Fire |
Call on Duty |
Candy Crush Saga |
Captain Peroxide |
Castlemania |
Centurion Sherman |
Clan Names |
Clink |
CobraFire |
Cool Names |
Corridor Kombat |
Crash Bandicoot |
CutPro |
Dark Souls |
Darling Peacock |
Dead Cells |
Dead Pixels |
Decay |
Demented |
Digger |
Don Stab |
Double Fine Adventure |
Dragon |
Drop Stone |
Dropkick |
Duck Hunt |
Eerie Mizzen |
Elder Progue |
Ember Rope |
Fang |
Final Fantastical |
Final Fantasy Vii |
Fire-Bred |
Fist |
Fist Wizard |
Fortnite |
Fortnitebr |
Frosty |
Gamer Girl |
Gatling |
Gears OF War |
Ghostron |
Glock |
Gorogoa |
Grand Theft Auto |
Grandtheftautov |
Grave |
GTA #4 |
Guitar Hero |
Guitar Heroine |
Halo Gamer |
Happy Wheels |
Idea For Games |
Ideas BBY |
Intellectual Property |
Japanese Girl |
Javelin |
Jesse James |
Kevlar |
Knight OF Diamonds |
Knives Out |
League of Legendary |
Livestrength |
Madden |
Metal Gear Solid |
Mortified Coercion |
My Cool Athlete |
My Fictional Character |
My Gaming Industry |
My Inspiration |
Mysims |
NailBlue |
Neverhood |
New PDP |
Onision |
Overwatch |
Pac-Man |
Peggle |
Pewdiepie |
Phineas n Ferb |
Pokeman |
Prism Gamer |
Prometheus |
Psychic Thinker |
Rain Six Seige |
Ratchet |
RedMouth |
Renegade Slugger |
Returns |
Riff Raff |
Rimfire |
Ripley |
ScaryNinja |
Screwtape |
Siddhartha |
Sims |
Skeleton |
Sky Herald |
Sonic |
Stardew Valley |
Starlinkflighttest |
Steal Dauciay |
Super Smash Bros |
Terminator |
Tetris |
The App Games |
The Best Clan |
The Big Brand |
The Extra Character |
The Legend |
The Scarlet Blade |
Thor |
Tito Warhollah |
Tomb Raider |
Tomclancy |
Tony Hawk |
Viper |
Zelda Schism |
Gaming Squad Names
Your gaming squad needs a name that represents you and shows off your personality. The best names are catchy, fun, unique – just like who gamers really are.
A great way to find the perfect gaming squad name is by browsing through all our awesome suggestions in this section of gaming squad names. With hundreds of entries ready-made for any occasion, there’s sure to be one tailor-made just right for a certain gaming team.
We’ve compiled a list of gaming squad names that are perfect for any type of team. Whether you’re playing video games, board games, card games, or sports – some might be more appealing than others – we’ve got your back.
Which gaming squad name suits you best? We have a list of creative, funny, or serious options to suit every taste.
Ready to dive in and find out which one is right for your team!
Abduction |
Accidental Monolith |
Admiral Tots |
Agent Orange |
Alien Frogger |
All Good Names Gone |
Alpha Paris |
Alpha Returns |
Angels Creed |
App for Winners |
Arsenic Means |
Artificial Intelligence |
Auto Insurance Sellers |
Automatic Silver |
Babooshka |
Baby Bugga Boo |
Bad men |
Bazookas |
Beatles + 1 |
Betty Spaghetti |
Bitcoin Brothers |
Bitcoin Gamers |
Blastoise |
Bubbles Buzzard |
Buckey Buck |
Candy Butcher |
Capital Gamers |
Captain Peroxide |
Celtic Charger |
Century’s Best |
Cereal Killuh |
Chasm Face |
Chewy Choo |
Chip Queen |
Chocolate Bois |
Chuckie the Ripper |
Clubby Club |
Colonel Whatsitsface |
Commando |
Congo Kong |
Cool Shades |
Cosmo & Wanda |
Crash Enabled |
Crash Test |
Crazy Twos |
Criss Cross |
Cross Trained |
Crypto Gamers |
Distracted |
Esports Team |
Free Britney |
Game Character |
Gamer Squad Name |
Gamer Twitter |
Gamer YouTube |
Gaming Name Not Available |
Gaming Names That Aren’t Taken |
Gaming Squad Name |
General Counsel |
Good Gaming Name |
Hercules |
Here We Go Gamers |
Idea for Beginners |
Insurance Gamers |
Kid Game Play |
League of Gamers |
Legendary Nerd |
Letter for Gamer |
Life Insurance Gamers |
My Online Games |
New York Gigantes |
Ninja Gamertag |
NYC Assassins |
Online Gaming |
Peter Is Thy Name |
Random Gaming Name |
She Said That |
The Personal Ah |
The Real Beatles |
Wasted Angler |
We Are That Good |
We Are Weasel |
We Gamers |
Word for Games |
Xbox Gamer |
Girl Gaming Names
If you’re a girl who loves gaming, then you probably have a few favorite games.
But what is the best username for your online persona?
There are tons of them out there and they can be very creative or just plain boring.
We’ve put together this list with some cute names that will make anyone feel good while playing their video game:
“Gamer Girl,” “Loser Princesses Only,” and even more interesting options like “Whiney Nora.”
It’s time to start thinking about how you want people to see you – whether it’s on-screen at all times (if #gamergirl) or behind-the-scenes as our alter ego (#loserprincess).
But you could also get a lot of unwanted attention or harassment, so perhaps don’t make it TOO obvious if that’s not for you.
So we have some feminine but not obviously girly gaming names on the list as well.
Let’s dig into the best gaming names for girls:
Alita |
Amazon |
Angel |
Anomaly |
Banshee |
Belladonna |
Beretta |
Black Beauty |
Calypso |
Carbon |
Cascade |
Clementine |
Colada |
Cosma |
Cougar |
Countess |
Enchantress |
Enigma |
Femme Fatale |
Gamer Girl |
Gamerette |
Geisha |
Georgette |
Goddess |
Half Pint |
Harlem |
Heroin |
Infinity |
Insomnia |
Ivy |
Kaitlyn |
Kitty |
Kitty |
Legacy |
Lithium |
Lolita |
Loser Princesses Only |
Lotus |
Mademoiselle |
Majesty |
Malice |
Mannequin |
Minx |
Mirage |
Nerdy Princess |
Nightmare |
Nintendo Girl |
Nova |
Pumps |
Raven |
Resin |
Rogue |
Roulette |
Shadow |
Siren |
Stiletto |
Sunshine |
T-Back |
Tattoo |
Temperance |
Tequila |
Terror |
Thunderbird |
Ultra |
Vanity |
Velvet |
Vixen |
Voodoo |
Whiney Nora |
Wicked |
Widow |
Xenon |
Gaming Nicknames
You’ve got your pick of gaming nicknames, but how do you make yours stand out?
There are thousands to choose from and it can be hard finding an original one without repeating someone else’s gaming nickname.
We’ve put together this list with our favorite unique or memorable ones that should help get the ball rolling on creating a successful game account!
Adelaide |
Amy |
Annie |
Ashley |
Belle |
Blossom |
Breezy |
Bridgette |
Brigid |
Carrie |
Cherry |
Chloe |
Climax |
Cotton |
Dazzle |
Eris |
Eve |
Fairies |
Gamer Girl |
Gaming Girl |
Gaming Nickname |
Grace |
Gretchen |
Gwen |
Jaime |
Joy |
Karen |
Kaylin |
Kiss |
Lara |
Lava |
Legends Girl |
Leigh |
Lily |
Linda |
Little Uzi |
Livy |
Loretta |
Minecraft Girl |
Nana |
Necromancer |
Nina |
Nuzzle |
Pat |
Peach |
Pixel Princess |
Princess Avatar |
Pudding |
Queen |
Remy |
Rockstar |
Rory |
Rosalie |
Roses |
Saki |
Sakura |
Serenity |
Shadow |
Shelley |
Snow |
Sugar |
Toffee |
Whitney |
Zlatan |
Zoe |
Zombie Bunny |
Video Game Names Ideas
What are the perfect video game names? If you need some inspiration for video game names, we’ve got your back.
We compiled a list of clever, unique, and creative game-related puns that are sure to inspire any budding developer looking to start an indie project or even just think outside the box!
Names are important in determining how people will perceive your product, so choosing wisely could mean increased success!
We all know that coming up with the perfect video game name can be difficult.
That’s why we put together this list of cool and memorable options so you don’t have to spend hours looking through pages upon pages trying futilely come up with something catchy!
All-Out War |
Conquerer’s Creed |
Daggers |
Daredevil |
Dark Matter |
Darko |
Daydream |
Dazzler |
Deathstalker |
Decay |
Deceit |
Deception |
Deep Pockets |
Delirious |
Delusion |
Demented |
Dementor |
Demise |
Demolition |
Derange |
Destroyer |
Detroit |
Devi |
Deviant |
Diablo |
Dice |
Die-hard |
Dihya |
Dirty Dirty |
Dismay |
Dissent |
Diviner |
Dom |
Don |
Doom |
Double Double |
Dracula |
Dragon |
Duchess |
Dungeon’s Demeanor |
Dutch |
Dux |
Earth Metal |
Egomania |
Electron |
Elektra |
Element |
Elemental |
Eliminator |
Empress |
Enchantress |
Enigma |
Enmity |
Entropy |
Enyo |
Eon |
Eowyn |
Espada |
Eternity |
Excavator |
Executioner |
Exorcist |
Explosive |
Exterminator |
Slayer’s Demeanor |
The Damned |
The Demon |
War Assassin |
War Zone |
Cool Game Names
If you’re looking for cool names for games, then we’ve got a list of awesome options that will make your next masterpiece stand out from the crowd.
We also compiled this as an opportunity to provide inspiration and give some suggestions on how to think about what’s best when naming our creations!
Algonquin |
Amazon |
Apple |
Bread Pitt |
Chris |
Currency Matrix |
Dallas |
Devin Nacirema |
Dutch Flyer |
Envy Gaming |
Falchion |
Faze Clan |
Feint |
Femme Fatale |
Fender |
Fester |
Fiend |
Figment |
Finisher |
Fire Bringer |
Fire Lance |
Fire-Bred |
Firecracker |
Fisheye |
Fishnet |
Fist |
Flack |
Flying Claw |
Foot Slam |
Forever |
Fortnite |
Fox |
Freak |
Frenzy |
Fright |
Furor |
Fury |
Game Name |
Gargoyle |
Garrote |
Gash |
Gatling |
Gauntlet |
Geisha |
Geronimo |
Ghoul |
Gladius |
Glock |
Gnaw |
Goblin |
Goddess |
Golem |
Gorgon |
Goshawk |
Grave |
Grenade |
Grim |
Grip |
Grizzly |
Grudge |
Gunner |
Gunpowder |
Gut |
Health Tips |
Jamaica |
Kolcheff |
Manhattan |
Microsoft |
Mohegan |
Mohegan Tribe |
Morris |
Murray |
Ninja |
Olebe |
Pineault |
Prizzia |
Queens |
Ray Pineault |
Regina |
Regional President |
Streaming Wars |
Team Fanatic |
Tech Companies |
The Falcon |
The Fate |
Tiktok |
Toxic Friends |
Warden |
Yakuza |
Best Gamer Names
Gamers of the world, unite! There’s never been a better time to be one.
Whether you like playing games on your phone or TV screen (or anything else), gamers are everywhere and they love sharing their experiences with others – which is where our list comes in handy.
We’ve compiled some of today’s best gamer names for any occasion; from birthday parties all the way through competitive gaming tournaments…
Hannibal Lecter |
Harlem Globalist |
Harpoon Silence |
Hunter |
Haute |
Hawkeyes |
Huzzar |
Headly |
Helium Delight |
Hellcatcher |
Hemlocker |
Heroine |
Herzog |
High Roller |
Hitter |
Hornet |
Horror |
Hostility |
Hot Salt |
Howitzer |
Hurricane |
Hydra |
Hypernova |
Illumine |
Illusion |
Immortal |
Inferno |
Infinity |
Insomnia |
Insurgent |
Ion |
Ire |
Iron Heart |
Iron-Cut |
Ironclad |
Ironsides |
Ishtar |
Isis |
Ivy |
Jaguar |
Javelin |
Jawbone |
Jesse James |
Jezebel |
Joose |
Jubilee |
Juno |
K-9 |
Kafka |
Kahina |
Katana |
Kevlar |
Khan |
Kidster |
Killer |
Kneecap |
Knuckles |
Kraken |
Lab Rat |
Lance |
Lash |
Legacy |
Leon |
Leonidas |
Leviathan |
The Hammer |
Game Company Names
Do you need a name for your game company? This section is all about the coolest names that’ll make it easy to trademark.
There are tons of options in here, so don’t stress out!
Pick one and move forward because we’ve done hard work already by compiling this list – just pick whichever sounds best to you, get inspired by one, mix and match, or what’s appropriate based on where it falls into our requirements (ease-of-use or uniqueness).
Diogenes |
Knightmare |
Land Shade |
Meta Omen |
Nevada Gaming |
Night Terror |
Noir’s Poet |
Novum |
Nuclear Productions |
NYC Productions |
Obliterator |
Oleand |
Oraclastic |
Orb’s Features |
Orthos |
Osmium Productions |
Overthrowing |
Padem |
Panic’s Productions |
Pantherus |
Paramourous |
Pearl Heart |
Phantasm |
Phobius |
Phosphores |
Phosphorum |
Photon Productions |
Pike’s Peak |
Pile Driver |
Pocket Rocket |
Poison |
Poker |
Poleaxe |
Real Deal |
Reap |
Rebel’s Productions |
Badass Gamer Name
Trying to think of an intimidating or badass gaming name?
There is a fine line between something sounding badass and something sounding lame, so keep that in mind when you’re trying to pick the toughest, coolest, most badass-sounding gamer name.
Badass Game Name |
Badass Gamer Name |
Badass Gaming Name |
Big Danger |
Bluemail |
Box Cars |
Bread Stacker |
Candy Crush |
Chocolatte |
Couch King |
Damsel Distressed |
Felon Musk |
Fluffy Burt |
Fox Trotter |
Fried Chocolate |
Fried Marshmallows |
Frosted Donuts |
Fur Real |
Gladiator |
Gondola |
Gorman Bishop |
Hairy Poppins |
Hangin With My Gnomies |
Heart Ticker |
HeartBreaker |
Hellfire |
Hogwarts Dropout |
Honey Lemon |
Hounddog |
I Founded Google |
Jet Z Angle |
Kid Lorai |
Mt Fuji |
Nood Seal |
Pharaoh |
Sasquatch |
Scrappy Doo |
Screwy |
Shadow Smurf |
Shoot Thrill |
Sidewalk Cop |
Sienna |
Silver Stone |
Sir Barton |
Sky Marrow |
Smash the trash |
Smush Buster |
Snake Eyes |
Snipuh |
Snoop Catt |
Snow White No Dwarves |
Snowy Season |
Solo Shot |
Speedy Gonzo |
Spunky Frog |
Stallion Batallion |
Star Sword |
Where Are U |
Call Of Duty Gamers Names
It’s been said that Call of Duty has the most popular video game around.
It has been played by millions worldwide and you could even make money from naming your own team after this great game! You can sell merchandise with whatever name is on it too, so how does your favorite handle look as a t-shirt or hat? 🙂
Here are some COD gamer names to check out:
Big Batallion |
Chinese Firewall |
Dude Love |
Final Judge |
Jockey Inferno |
No Charisma |
Second Moon |
Street Smartz |
Subzero Fridge |
Sugar Hi |
Sultan of Swat |
Swampy Swamp |
Sweet Talker |
Swerve |
Take Away |
Thankstaking |
Thrasher |
ThunderStroke |
Tick Tock |
Toolmaker |
Toronto Blues |
Tough Nut |
ToxicCharger |
Toy Dogwatch |
Trash Master |
Trash Sling |
Trick Baron |
TrixiePhany |
Troubadour |
TulipCake |
Turnip King |
Vagabond Warrior |
Washer |
Waylay Dave |
White Snare |
Wholesome |
Widow Curio |
Willow Dragon |
Winter Bite |
Wolf Tribune |
Wolverine |
Wooden Animal |
Wooster |
Yellow Tuna |
Zest Lagoon |
Game Studio Names
Game studios are places where people work together to create video games. Game developers, writers, and artists all come together in one energetic space as part of a fast-growing industry!
The competition is tough because there are so many companies trying for the same market share but it pays off when you see your name up at there at the top.
Here are some game studio names to consider:
Bond Productions |
Calculate |
Dairy King |
Deep Dive |
Dollar Productions |
Fury |
Gooness |
Harmless |
Insync |
Joan of Arcadia |
Julius Say Czar |
Just A Teen |
Katana |
Kim Chi |
Kiss My Axe |
Kokonut |
Laugh Till Fight |
Left Feet |
Lenar Productions |
Lizzo Flute |
Llama Del Rey |
Love Me Knot |
Lowercase Guy |
Maggio |
Magnificent |
Manic Pixie |
Masterchef |
Melons |
Ministrants |
Omnipotent |
Paint |
Paninos |
Phalanx |
Pixie |
Plural |
Presidential |
Punt |
Real Name Hidden |
Red Velvet |
Reeser |
Stoppington |
Tanglar |
Wind Smurf |
Gaming Clan Names
Gaming clans are groups of gamers who play together online.
Usually, they meet up at specific times and places to play games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft (or any other MMORPG), Overwatch, and so on.
If you’re thinking about starting a gaming clan then we’ve got some great names for your group!
These will not only stand out but also be easy to trademark if that’s what interests you most as well as being very popular among our readers too so no need worry about coming up short on creativity here 🙂
Here is a list of the best names for new gaming clans:
Angon |
Aspect |
Atilla |
Automatic |
Avenger |
Baal |
Ballistic |
Balrog |
Battleaxe |
Behemoth |
Bender |
Billhook |
Bleed |
Blonde |
Blood |
Bowser |
Brass Knuckle |
Bullet |
Bullet-Proof |
Caltrop |
Cannon |
Cannon |
Carbine |
Charybdis |
Craniax |
Crank |
Crossbow |
Crusher |
Cut |
Cutlass |
Cyclops |
Damned |
Derange |
Destroyer |
Dutch |
Dux |
Executioner |
Exterminator |
Fire-Bred |
Flack |
Footslam |
Freak |
Gargoyle |
Ghoul |
Gladius |
Golem |
Gorgon |
Grim |
Gut |
Harpoon |
Hash |
Head-Knocker |
Hellcat |
Hitter |
Hurricane |
Hydra |
Indominus |
Jesse James |
K-9 |
Katar |
Kevlar |
Khan |
Killer |
Kneecap |
Knuckles |
Kraken |
Lance |
Leonidas |
Loch |
Lockback |
Longbow |
Mad Dog |
Madness |
Mania |
Maul |
Menace |
Midnight |
Montante |
Mortar |
Mothman |
Nightshade |
O’Doyle |
Obliterator |
Omen |
Phantasm |
Phantom |
Pike |
Psycho |
Quarterstaff |
Ratchet |
Razor |
Rex |
Ripley |
Ronin |
Rubble |
Ruiner |
Saboteur |
Scab |
Scalp |
Scar |
Schizo |
Sepulch |
Siddhartha |
Skinner |
Skull |
Sledgehammer |
Slungshot |
Socket |
Soleus |
Stabber |
Steel |
Steel Foil |
Steel Forge |
Strike Eagle |
Sylla |
Terminator |
Terror |
Tito |
Tomcat |
Tooth |
Torque |
Trooper |
Vein |
Wildcat |
Wracker |
Wrangler |
Wrath |
Zweihander |
Making Awesome Gamer Names
Choosing your gaming name is one of the most important decisions you’ll make.
Your choice in deciding on a gaming name will be remembered for years to come, so consider carefully.
If you’re a professional or thinking of going professional:
- Think about your target audience
- You must think about who would buy from you.
Gamer Name Ideas
Choosing a name for playing games is often not easy. It’s your name outside your name, so it takes some thought.
Rhyming and alliteration is a good way to make memorable gamer names, but also consider the following when creating your name:
If you’re trying to make a reputation in the online gaming community, it’s hard for people to remember a name that’s long and complicated.
Avoid any gamer names that people would have trouble spelling or pronouncing.
Sticking with easier names that can be said easily and spelled without much difficulty is generally a better way to go.
Use cool words, colors, fierce animals
Maybe being the pink snow bunny is lame (unless you’re a female gamer going for a cute gaming name).
But if you’re The Golden Eagle that’s getting warmer, even into badass gamer name territory.
Consider your real name
If you have a name that’s uncommon, goes with many things, or has lots of potential play on words capabilities, you potentially have a winner.
For example, if you’re Jack, there’s Jumping Jack, Cactus Jack, Get Jacked, among other interesting gamer name possibilities.
Find your desired personality
Do you want to be funny, more of a heel (jerk), serious, or something else?
If you want to trash talk during Call of Duty it’s hard to pull that off if your name is Purple Easter Bunny.
Don’t pick a name that limits your potential growth
Being able to expand yourself without limits in gaming is highly valuable.
Choose an expansive and future-proof name that will help you grow without restrictions.
Use numbers
Any easy way to find a unique gamer name is to use numbers at the end if your desired name is taken.
Many people use the last two of their birth year, the day of the month they were born, or just their favorite number.
Since using years is so common, you might even try doing them backwards.
For example, if you were born in 2003, try 3002.
Consider inspiration from pop culture
When you’re looking for a gamer name, try coming up with an unusual and creative reference from popular culture.
Instead of doing all the brainstorming on your own, ask others their opinions; this is because they can provide better suggestions than just thinking outside the box!
Thanks to the popularity of popular characters from stories and movies, small gamers were able to take advantage of them in their gamer names.
It can also make a gamer name more memorable.
Mix capital and lowercase letters
MIxiNg uP leTTeRs will make your gamer name look unique.
It can also look amateurish. And it might also not help to make it different if it’s already taken spelling it normally.
Play around with words
There are so many ways to play around with words and create catchy gamer names.
For instance, you can combine two or more together in order to form a new word that has meaning different from its original components; this is called heteronyms (words formed by changing the spelling).
One thing worth trying out for yourself might be acronyms – these shortening terms help save space while giving your brand an extra bit of personality!
You could also use other sources such as dictionaries and thesauruses, which may give related adjectives or synonyms, if they exist.
And like we said earlier, when selecting a name, keep in mind that its pronunciation shouldn’t sound weird or awkward.
Narrow down your list
Narrowing down the list of possible names is hard work, but it’s worth doing.
You want your gaming niche market to be well-represented in these games so choose only those that fit!
Think about how similar they might sound next to each other.
You can also choose one or the other depending on which name goes best with what game or app.
If you want to turn it into a professional brand…
Then trademarks become a thing to consider. Is your name portable internationally?
If you want to be HarryPotter12, you might have some issues on the trademark front if you ever get big.
In case you want to sell games overseas, it’s important that your brand name isn’t trademarked anywhere else and be careful when registering a domain name.
You should always perform a trademark search prior to using any term that might be an infringement on another company’s intellectual property. They’re important for making sure your game doesn’t get sued!
Some countries require additional registration fees for intellectual property rights protection. So before starting a business consult local laws regarding trademarks and copyrights as they may vary from country-to-country or even within one region of the same nation.
Also consider getting the .com domain of your brand.
Use free resources to find good gamer names
This article is an example.
To help come up with gaming names, try browsing online forums dedicated to naming conventions. There you can find lists of popular words and expressions which have been associated with certain industries over time.
At the same time, these sites usually focus only on English language users. That means if your content isn’t in that category (or at all) then there’s not much information out there related specifically toward non-English speaking markets.
Get feedback
If you want a good gaming name and you plan to use it for professional purposes, don’t rush into it.
Take the time and effort necessary to think about all your options before picking one!
Ask others what they like or dislike about potential new names for yourself. Maybe someone will suggest alternative choices that are better suited than anything on this list.
Creativity & Compromise Are Necessary
No matter what name you want, it’s likely to be taken for popular games and popular platforms.
In this case, try a different variation or spelling or adding a number and you might find your ideal name is closer than you imagined.
Creativity is important in making a quality gamer name. Be unique and original and be you.
Gaming Name Generator
You’ve been looking for the best gaming names generator? Look no further than this!
We have some amazing ideas that will help you create a unique gaming name.
You can use our generators to come up with your own game-themed moniker or just get inspiration from one of ours, like “GalaxyQuest” (a comedy space adventure).
Below are some tools to help you find the best username and game name for your purposes – whether you’re looking for something professional, cool, aesthetic, funny, or otherwise.
Despite all the gaming name ideas we’ve presented in this article, it’s not easy coming up with something new.
The good news is that there are several websites that can help you generate a good, unique gaming name.
So, if you’re looking for a unique gaming name generator, you can use the following tools.
These gaming name generators will provide aesthetic game names with just simple inputs from your end.
Give these aesthetic gaming name generators a try if you’d like to leave it to technology to give you a lot of possible gaming name options.
- Perchance
- LingoJam (more if you’re looking for a cute gaming name)
- Weshare (professional username generator for cool and aesthetic gaming names)
- Spinxo
- Nickfinder
- Jimpix
We hope you find this giant list of thousands of gamer names helpful!
Once you’ve settled on a name, check whether it still makes sense after some time passes.
If yes – great! Proceed accordingly and if not – change back to something else.
A good gamer name is important because they help you stand out from the crowd.
Follow these simple rules to get a solid gamer name:
- Pick something short, simple, and memorable/catchy.
- The name should be relatable to the gaming industry.
- It should hint at a character who is strong, fierce, and unique.
- Sometimes, you will need a number, adjective, or another character to help make your gamer name unique.