9+ BEST Topics for Feature Writing [Top Picks]

Feature writing involves a focus on the human side of a story.

Feature writing is in every major newspaper but focuses on telling things through the perspective of a human rather than the standard clinical objectivity of a standard story.

At the same time, feature writing differs from fiction in that it is rooted in real stories and real reporting of actual events.

The best topics for feature writing are those that have an innately human element to them.

Many publications use them as a way to connect with readers and they tend to sell well because of the way readers can empathize with the subjects within the article.

They also tend to be thematic based on the type of content the publication features.

For example, a business publication may publish an article about those who were victimized by an investment scam.

A publication geared toward the Latino community in the United States might talk about the hardships of those who migrate to the country.

Feature Article Topics

Some of the best topics for feature writing include:

#1 Homelessness

Homelessness is a perennial issue in most societies. It’s one that is often hidden in plain sight but the stories of those affected by it are powerful and compelling.

A feature on homelessness could focus on a particular individual or group of people and their experiences.

It could look at the different factors that contribute to someone becoming homeless or it could examine the various ways people try to combat homelessness.

#2 Mental Health

Mental health is another topic that is often hidden away but one that affects so many people.

A feature on mental health could explore what it’s like to live with a mental illness, how society treats those with mental health issues, or the various ways people are working to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness.

#3 Addiction

Addiction is another topic with a very human element. It’s often devastating and can have far-reaching consequences.

A feature on addiction could explore the personal story of someone struggling with addiction, look at the different types of addiction, or examine the ways society treats those suffering from addiction.

#4 Poverty

Poverty is an issue that is close to many people’s hearts. It’s something that can be very difficult to escape from and has a profound effect on people’s lives.

A feature on poverty could focus on what it’s like to live in poverty, the different factors that contribute to someone living in poverty, or the various ways people are working to combat poverty.

#5 Discrimination

Discrimination is an unfortunately common experience for many people. It can be based on race, gender, sexuality, or any number of other factors.

A feature on discrimination could explore the personal experiences of those who have faced discrimination, look at the different types of discrimination, or examine the ways society tries to combat discrimination.

#6 Abuse

Abuse can come in various forms, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It’s a topic that is often difficult to talk about but one that needs to be addressed.

A feature on abuse could focus on the personal experiences of those who have been abused, look at the different types of abuse, or examine the ways society tries to combat abuse.

#7 Children in difficult situations (foster care, juvenile detention, etc.)

Children are often the most vulnerable members of society.

They can be affected by a variety of factors, including poverty, abuse, and neglect.

A feature on children in difficult situations could focus on the personal experiences of those who have been in such situations, look at the different types of situations children can find themselves in, or examine the ways society tries to help children in difficult situations.

#8 Elderly people and their stories

Elderly people have a lot of wisdom and stories to share.

They often have interesting perspectives on life and can offer valuable insights.

A feature on elderly people could focus on the personal experiences of those who are elderly, look at the different ways elderly people are treated in society, or examine the ways society tries to help elderly people.

#9 Refugees and immigrants and their experiences

The issue of refugees is a complex and often polarizing one. There are many different factors to consider, including political, economic, and social factors.

Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homes due to conflict or persecution. They often face a long and difficult journey to find safety.

A feature on refugees could explore the personal stories of those who have been forced to flee their homes, look at the different reasons why people become refugees, or examine the ways society supports or fails to support refugees.

Immigrants are people who choose to leave their homes in order to live in another country. They often face challenges such as language barriers and discrimination.

A feature on immigrants could explore the personal stories of those who have chosen to immigrate, look at the different reasons why people choose to immigrate, or examine the ways society supports or fails to support immigrants.

#10 Scams and frauds

Scams and frauds are all too common. They can target anyone, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status.

A feature on scams and frauds could explore the personal stories of those who have been scammed or defrauded, look at the different types of scams and frauds (e.g., cyber fraud, investment fraud, identity fraud, consumer fraud), or examine the ways society tries to combat them.

Feature Writing (How to write a Feature Article)

Summary – Feature Writing Topics

Discrimination, abuse, children in difficult situations, refugees, scams, and fraud are all important topics that should be addressed.

These are just a few ideas for topics that would make great feature articles.

If you’re stuck for ideas, try thinking about the human element in any issue or problem and see if there’s a story there waiting to be told.


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